I'll have to post pics later, but for now a brief summary will have to do. We are currently in New Mexico and daddy just arrived last night. The boys were so happy to see him! I was too. Benjamin has had such a great time here. Amma and Papa bought them so many toys, it is like Christmas in July. Cars, cars, and more cars with a truck or two thrown in. Benjamin has also enjoyed playing in the "pool" with his floaties and new boat toys. He has enjoyed it so much that he refuses to get out. I find myself saying, "if you can't get out when we ask you to, you can't go swimming anymore". Yeah, right! I wonder how many parents have said that over and over again, only to go back on it the very next day.
The beach was nice, but not quite as relaxing as I remember. In all of my 36 beach-going years, I believe this is the first one where I never really got in to it and felt beachy. Something about not sleeping well and having the two boys, going back and forth between naps and bathing suits, seemed to take my focus away from experiencing the now of the crashing waves and squaking seagulls. I feel quite sure I will get back some day, I just do miss it. However, it was nice seeing Evan stick sand and seaweed in his mouth with gusto and Benjamin feeling confident in the pool with his floaties. He's even been getting the water on his face when he jumps in (by himself!). Yay!
So I have been fully introduced to "vacationing" with two kiddos. Let me tell you, its a lot of work! The silver lining would be the fun that your kids have and the new things that they get to see. There are also those moments. You know, the ones where you finally get to relax and have a glass of wine before hitting the pillow at 10pm sharp :)
The life and times of Benjamin, Evan, and Sawyer Vaughn, and their mommy's journey as a stay-at-home mom with three boys.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Big Day for Benjamin and a First for Evan
Benjamin had a 2-milestone day yesterday! It seemed to be just another ordinary Sunday, with plans to go to the pool, relax, and hopefully get one or two things done. However, there were just a couple of things that made this day pretty special.
I wanted Benjamin and Evan to get some time in at the pool as a warm up for the beach. We headed off to the Country Club after about an hour of getting ready. I remember thinking how much effort it took to get both boys and ourselves ready for swimming, when by the time we got to the pool it would be about time for their naps! I tried to relax and take some deep breaths. After all, what is the point of spending so much energy getting ready when you are not going to enjoy yourself? Evan took right to the water and didn't seem phased at all. He had a serious look for a while but finally loosened up and splashed around. Benjamin tried on his floaties and hopped in the pool. Much to everyone's surprise they helped him to swim and even jump in the water independently! What a fun surprise for us, and especially for him! Benjamin was so proud of himself and even said, "I'm doing great!". Mommy and daddy were doing even better when we enjoyed a Mai Tai, and we all split a $16 burger for lunch.
After a long weekend, Lance and I were looking forward to relaxing. We put the boys down for bed and were a bit disappointed when neither one of them went to sleep. After whining for a little while, Benjamin declared that he had to use the potty. I was pretty sure that this was simply a stalling tactic, and I'm still pretty sure that's what it was. But how could we turn down this opportunity? Benjamin actually asked to use the potty! Lance sat with him and read him a book while he sat on the potty. After a few minutes we decided to give him some privacy. Then we heard a shout; "I did it!". We came running, saw the pale yellow water, and scooped him up in our arms. We all rejoiced and savored the moment. Before having kids I would have NEVER realized just how significant and exciting the potty could be.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ups and Downs
Evan went to his 6 month appointment and checked out healthy as can be. His stats were interesting though: 25% height and weight and 90% head! He is just like his big brother. Those brainy Vaughn boys! We went to a play date at Carly, Phil, and Juliana's. It was such a great idea, playing for the kiddos and drinking for the adults :) Also there was 8 month-old Bryn. Evan is a lucky guy, surrounded by two slightly older women. He admired one of Juliana's toys so much that she offered to loan it to him for a while.
On another positive note, Benjamin is back to his usual charming self after recent trips to the dark side (see previous posts). Life is SO much easier when he is his generally agreeable. He has also made important strides in other areas, like peeing on the potty (only at school) and singing the ABC song! In fact, Benjamin has really taken to singing lately and his two favorite songs are "The Wheels on The Bus" and the "ABC" song.
Really, the only down aspect of current life is my difficult sleeping. It seems to be connected to a number of things. First, I have always been a light sleeper. Now my ears are tuned in to any sound large or small, including baby whimpers, coughs, screams, my cat's meow, and my husband's snores. Once I am awake it is so hard sometimes to fall back asleep, especially due to some indigestion issues that I have been having. Being a mommy of two little ones is great, but it is all the more challenging when one is severely sleep deprived. I am proud of myself though, because somehow I made it through the day without anything ugly happening (car wreck, screaming at children, being late for Evan's appointment). I do remember praying last night, asking God to help me through it, and He did.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
6 Months!
Evan turned 6 months over the weekend! I can't believe he is already half way to one year old! He is a great baby and he gets sweeter and cuter every day. Evan has been sitting up for about a month and can stay seated well for a long time now. He still loves to put anything in his mouth, and especially enjoys gnawing on our hands and fingers. Evan has been enjoying his daily oatmeal with banana or apple and he always gives a little cry when we are done, even if he has had plenty. Now Benjamin says, "you've had enough, Evan, you've had enough". It is hilarious! He is a really easy baby and we can take him to the grocery store or a restaurant in his car seat and he will sit there for a long time without complaining. He is now getting more hair on the top of his head, which makes him all the more cute and smoochable! He loves watching the butterflies in the garden and is an "outdoorsy" type. We love him!
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