Sunday, April 17, 2011

Look at Us Now

Now Evan is 15 months, and I'm ashamed that it has been so long since I've posted. In fact, I've done a terrible job at taking photos, video taping, and blogging. I suppose its no excuse that I've started work again, but I'll go ahead and use it. For the past few weeks, Evan has been staying with his grandmothers on Tuesdays and Thursdays as I've slowly put my foot back in the private practice waters. Most of my time has been geared toward setting up my new space and slowly putting my therapist hat back on. It really has been hard to give up those two days that I had just with Evan, but it also seemed like it was time. I am blessed to have a job where I can do just a little bit and also stay home with the boys for most days. For sure, the days at my office are easier and more relaxing, but I value more my time with my babies. Its hard to imagine, but Evan is going to "school" in a few weeks.

These days I've gotten more comfortable being a mother of two, even though it is often physically and emotionally tiring. I know the drill, its just a matter of executing it. I try to get out of the house to keep things sane. We often end up at the gym, where Evan practices walking up and down soft steps and Benjamin continues to enjoy exploring his physical world. There is a new play scape in the shopping area across from our neighborhood and we enjoyed hanging out there the other day. Benjamin is getting to be such a big boy that he was able to swing his little brother. He has been helping mommy out with Evan just a little bit here and there. He really loves to look after Evan.

Evan is practically running now. He walks briskly with one arm sticking behind his back and the hand turned up. Its a little hard to describe, and I'm not sure why he does it, but it sure is cute! He says a few words, such as bird, duck, more, stuck, hi, bye, and ball. We were all impressed a couple of weeks ago when he exclaimed "blueberry!" while eating one of his favorite foods. He has always been a sweet, sweet boy. There is just something about his temperament and way of relating. I can't really think of any other word for it besides sweet. He is also persistent, but in a fairly calm and contained way. If he doesn't get what he wants, or isn't able to do something (usually because Benjamin stops him), he just keeps trying. He has been giggling a lot lately and loves to be turned upside down and tickled. He also loves ducks, outdoors, water, water fountains, getting wet, rocks, and especially cupcakes. If you even mention the word "cupcake" without immediately supplying him with one, he becomes uncharacteristically agitated.

Benjamin is really growing like a weed. His grandmother keeps describing him as "tall". Despite his growth spurt and his tallness, he can still fit into a pair of 2T shorts because of his slender build. Benjamin does not stop getting cuter, he is just more and more gorgeous as he gets older. Also persisting is Benjamin's curiosity, athleticism, humor, mad verbal skills, and intensity. We have experienced the terrible 3's. It is not fun, nor is it conducive to tranquility. Once again, however, Benjamin's good looks, charm, and ability to be so very loving, make up for his difficult moments and generally keep him in our good graces. Benjamin loves many, many things including anything sweet, corn dogs, cheese, milk, yogurt, cartoons, any sports, cars, Red Robin, his daddy, and rough housing. He is also becoming a really big fan of his brother Evan. He always wants to come with me when Evan wakes up in the morning or from his nap. He enjoys sitting with Evan in the bean bag while they watch cartoons. They are really starting to play and laugh together. We are so blessed to have them, and they to have each other. Thank you, Lord, for our beautiful boys!