Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Trip to the Beach

We took our last trip to the beach this year.  We usually go only twice, but I wish we could go more.  I had not planned on going for the second trip this time around, since Sawyer is only three months old.  However, I was tired of being cooped up in the house and felt determined to go no matter the difficulty involved in bringing a baby. This was a good step for me.  I forced myself to do choose adventure despite my anxiety about things being difficult.  It paid off.  We did have a good time, and I was even able to enjoy myself.  Sawyer was generally a great traveler, and seemed to have some fun riding in the car with mommy in the back seat with him.

We stayed in a beautiful house at Cinnamon Shore, a resort community that was practically deserted during the week in September.  We had the pool and the beach almost to ourselves.  When I got the chance I tried to practice some photography.  I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get many great shots, especially any of the boys on the beach.  But I reminded myself that the main goal was just to go and to have fun.  Next year I will get some awesome family shots, I am sure!

A great little traveler

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Someone Around Here is 3 Months Old....

We have successfully raised Sawyer for three months!  This seems like an important milestone for some reason.  Maybe because it is one quarter of a year, or maybe because we heard that is when the
"fourth trimester" ends.  Whatever the reason, it sure is exciting that our little newborn is soon going to be doing all sorts of cool stuff besides pooping, peeing on me, sleeping, spitting up, and crying.  For the record, however, he has spit up far less than the other two boys did.  Yay!

His Curious Look

Our little baby is just perfect.  He is beautiful.  He is an amazing gift from the Lord.  We thank you God for our beautiful baby boy, Sawyer!  May he soon become as awesome as his big brothers.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Starfish
An old man was walking down the beach just before dawn.  In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea.  As the old man approached the young man, he asked; "Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?"  The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun.  "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish, exclaimed the old man.  "How can your efforts make any difference?"  The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said;
"It makes a difference to this one!"

Monday, September 17, 2012


Benjamin had his first T-Ball game last week.  He thoroughly enjoyed it and was very brave.  We were pretty lost at first, and so was the coach!  We were told only the school where the game would be held but wandered around looking for our team.  We finally found the coach and he did not know where to go.  Once the official YMCA people showed up, all was made clear.  All of the families were in the wrong place, so we started a mass migration to the opposite side of the school.

We started right in with the warm up, which basically entailed showing the little ones where the bases are and what direction to run.  Lance was roped in to being an assistant coach, and he took very well to showing the kiddies what to do.  He did not seem very impressed with their skills.  Once the twenty minute practice was over the game began.  There was no score kept and there were no outs.  All of the kids ran for the ball, which led to quite a bit of confusion as there were no kids at the bases to throw the ball to.  I'm sure it will be a little less confusing next time.  I don't think Benjamin noticed.  He was thrilled to have hit the ball twice and to have caught it twice.  After the game Lance treated the boys to a delicious peanut butter and jelly pizza!

On my way home I came to the realization that this type of experience would soon become a huge part of my life.  With three little boys I know I am destined to spend hours upon hours standing in a field cheering for my little guys.  Its a different life that I am looking forward to, and this was just the very tip of the iceberg.  TOTALLY overwhelming in a positive way.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Another Good Weekend

Wow!  I can't believe it has been another fairly enjoyable weekend!  My parents have come back from New Mexico and having them here tends to make things a little easier.  They came over Friday afternoon and played with the boys while I took it easy and got to watch some tennis.  The boys were very happy to have them back, especially as they had brought gifts!

On Saturday I treated myself to a massage.  It felt SO DARN GOOD!  It gives me some space to actually be still and not DO anything.  Usually when I am resting or feeding Sawyer I look on the internet or check e-mail.  When I am getting a massage, I just sit (or lie) with my thoughts.  I think about things on a different level that I think is good for me.  I still have credit from Lance's anniversary gift, so I will be back there soon.

Saturday afternoon we all went to Amma and Papa's and had another very nice time swimming and eating Rudy's BBQ.  I felt less stressed with trying to enjoy myself and taking care of Sawyer.  I think I take care of him on auto-pilot now.  I have it down, its just a matter of executing the motions.  Not stressing about it leaves me time to enjoy things around me, like how darn cute my little boys are.  Lance took the most adorable pic of them by the fish pond after swimming.

Sunday was also great.  It felt like a first Fall Sunday with slightly cooler weather (90 instead of 98), and football!  We had a leisurely morning and enjoyed the outdoors for a while.  All three boys took long, overlapping naps and Lance and I got to enjoy watching some football.  Later, Lance took the older boys out for some errands while I got to watch more tennis.  Lance bought Evan a "baby", and as soon as he got home Evan put the baby, who he named "Pinky", to bed.  Finally, we capped the weekend off by joining our life group for dinner at Waterloo.  I felt good that we were able to manage all boys with fairly little stress.  Oh, I almost forgot, smiles from Sawyer make everything better.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend was a long weekend, but it was also a LONG weekend.  We were without any babysitting help for the entire weekend, including Labor Day.  This is not shocking for most parents, but we are used to having our boys hang out with the grandparents for at least part of our weekends.  Amma and Papa were in New Mexico and Granmom and Grandad were at home due to Grandad's illness.  The super cool thing is that we still had a  pretty fun weekend!  Who would have known??

Lance was productive and already working on the big project of cleaning the fish tank when Sawyer and I woke up for the morning.  Lance and Benjamin had taken the fish out of the tank and placed them in bowls.  I felt sorry for the poor guys since they had no idea what was going on, and they are so prone to die from stress!  The good news is that they all made it through the cleaning.  The great news is that we found Blue Tails, he had been trapped in the filter for a week and was still alive!!  I was so relieved that one of the other fish had not eaten him.  I really want to like these little guys.

While the project was being completed, I hung out with Evan and Sawyer.  Evan enjoyed trying on the "ear muffs" that Lance had brought out to protect the boys' ears when he turned on the shop vac.  Sawyer sat in the bouncy seat and smiled at the frog that pops up and down.  Now three little boys have been entertained by that frog, and he has helped them to practice those adorable smiles.

The weekend also included family movie night.  We all, except for little Sawyer, piled on the make out bed in the movie room and watched "Despicable Me".  It was actually a movie that we could all enjoy.  Other highlights of the weekend include my first attempt at homemade ice cream and an enjoyable dinner at Chuy's.  Hooray for fun family weekends!!!