Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Its All Good

Its been a great and full couple of weeks.  I'll start with a pic of home to recognize how I love our new home and how happy I am that we are here.  I still can't believe it, and I feel so totally blessed.  This is where our family will spend so many years and share so many wonderful memories.  Below is a pic of the living room on an unusually cool April evening before hosting our life group.  I hope to host many events here over the years because I want to share our blessing with others.

I've enjoyed a few lovely afternoons at the Natural Gardener this spring.  After all, what is spring without it?!  I was lucky enough to spot a patch of bluebonnets and Lance captured our only bluebonnet pic of the year.  It also happens to be one of the only pics I have with me and the three boys.  Time to call the photographer!

Yum, we got to go back to La Barbecue recently.  Lance hosted a lunch for his CabForward team and treated them all to crazy delicious meats.  I love living in Texas, and I am really sad for vegetarians.  Below you'll see my in-laws tending to Sawyer while I chow down.  They are now both CabForward employees!

We attended our first of many Grandparents' Days at Regents.  It was so great for all of the grandparents to finally get to tour the school to see what Benjamin has been up to, and what he and the other boys have in their future.  Benjamin's class recited Psalm 19 and several songs that they had memorized.  We couldn't have been more proud!!   

We've really enjoyed the boys' sports this spring.  I can't stand how cute these guys are together on the baseball team.  Just adorable!!

Sawyer has his sights set on the future, and a career as a star athlete.  I am sure of it!

We've also gotten involved in some service this spring.  Its been a LONG time coming.  We've been served at our church for years, we've come to eat and been filled week after week.  Now we've stepped into a new phase of feeding others, and I'm loving it.  I didn't get many pics, but the first one is at Community First, a homeless community started by Mobile Loaves and Fishes.  I wish I took pics of the boys clearing brush.  They did great!  The land that we helped clear will be the site of a goat pasture that will provide milk and cheese for the community, and a purpose for those who have lost purpose.

Below is a pic of Kerplunk at our church's childrens' ministry. Evan is holding up both of his hands.  We got to observe him in action when we started to teach a class Sunday mornings.  We are finally truly giving back and representing Jesus to the children at our church.  It feels great.

Below are a couple of random love-fest pics.  I had to throw them in.  All of these moments make up for all of the stress that raising a family brings.  The love and joy far surpass the struggle.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Play Ball!

I was all ready to sign the boys up for tennis, and have just one day of sports.  Then a friend let me know that two of B's friends from his class were signed up for little league.  Well, I guess I kinda had to sign him up too.  Then, of course, I felt that Evan should have his own sport this year, since he has never done so before!  This all makes for a busy, but fun, spring!

Benjamin is a Devil Ray this year.  The games are coach pitched, which is one step up from the T-ball he did last fall.  No surprise, but Benjamin has done great and really seems to love it.  It is so much for for him to be on a team with his little buddies.  It just touches my heart to see him forming his first real friendships!

These two pictures are interesting.  First it is brother bliss with there snow cones, then Benjamin's friend Kade comes to sit down. They look at each other like, "oh yeah we're best buds".  Then Evan looks on from the outside now.  Well, I can relate because I think this is how I always felt when my brother had friends over.  Outside looking in....I'm sure their relationship can survive it.

Brothers are a different kind of friend, one who is built in to last a lifetime.  

While it is a big time commitment, I am excited about the beginning of the sporting era for our family.  So far its been fun!

Of course, we've been up to other fun things this past week, like gardening. Sawyer likes to help in the garden, but sometimes he just ends up wet and crabby.  

In my quest to prevent pests from eating our crops, I did lots of research and settled on these pop up tents for the raised beds.  It did not surprise me that the boys thought it was a fun toy.

Makes a great sleeping tent as seen above, but it also works well over the plants.

Lucky Evan got to go to work with daddy one day.  He's just my little cutie, I can't get enough of him these days!!