Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Garden Happenings

Gardening this year has been rewarding to say the least.  I've viewed it as an experiment, the year to launch a career in gardening.  I've grown so many different things and learned so much about what works and what doesn't work.  I even got a journal to take notes and to study in preparation for next year.  Its been wonderful having the boys involved and using this as part of their education.  Benjamin especially enjoys going out to the garden to fetch me this or that.  Surprisingly he even ate a salad made entirely of vegetables!!  I'm so looking forward to more gardening!

A Little Picnic

A while back the little boys and I decided to have a picnic on the side yard near our bathroom.  I just love this outdoor space because of the shade, the lush grass, and the perfectly level ground.  We took advantage of the cool late morning weather and chowed down on some sandwiches.  The boys did a good job of hamming it up for the camera, and I got a few good shots!

End of Kindergarten, Round 1

Benjamin finished Kindergarten at the end of May.  It was bittersweet because he loved it so much and he won't be together with all of his classmates again, but at the same time it was such a positive experience to start his school career.  We hosted the "end of school" party at our house.  I felt obligated to host because of our pool and great party setting.  It was our first test of whether the pool could handle a large group, and it passed with flying colors.  Fortunately I remembered to get a small photographic record of the event.

I can't wait for first grade!!!