Monday, April 12, 2010

Evan Update!

Evan is a little more than 3 months old now. In the past week he has really made some changes. He is definitely more alert, active, and social. You can always count on some good smiles for at least part of his awake time. He has learned to grab objects and really seems to excel at this grabbing skill. For instance, he loves to grab my hair while I am feeding him. Boy, can he really hold on! Ouch! He has also taken to grabbing the animals on his mobile. According to daddy, he grabbed the giraffe and stared it down for several minutes, even pulling it off of the mobile! Wow, already destroying things at 3 months! We have started to put him in the Baby Einstein and he is able to enjoy this for a few minutes. My guess is that he will really start exploring it in a few weeks. 

Evan is still sleeping well throughout the night and for that we praise God :) He usually takes a long nap in the morning and takes a series of 3-4, 30-45 min naps per day. It would be nice if he could consolidate those afternoon naps into 2 really good naps, but I will count my blessings. I know that it will change in time so I will take a deep breath and wait for it to come.

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