Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Evan Turns 4 Months

Evan turned four months old on Monday! It really feels like he is officially out of his new babyhood. He really enjoys to be in the Einstein now, albeit for a limited amount of time. He has started to turn the little wheels and he loves listening to the music and animal sounds. Evan is captivated by his big brother and studies his every move, waiting to join in the fun. He is a sweet little boy who is a wonderful addition to our family.

Evan is still sleeping really well but has put up a bit of a fight going down for naps and his nighttime sleep. I guess he is just more aware of being a part of the environment and doesn't want to miss anything. When he does go to sleep (usually after a few reassurances) he has been sleeping for about 10-11 hours at night without waking! He will usually take a long 2-hour nap in the morning, and on rare occasions, a second long nap around midday.

I can't wait to see how Evan evolves over the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. We had a nice evening relaxing in the side yard where the new sod continues to fill in a little more every day. While Mommy watered the plants, Daddy and Evan sat in the grass and Benjamin was running in circles around us. Evan seemed quite amused by his big brother's antics and smiled and giggled at him a few times as he passed in front of us. I remember standing up and, holding Evan down by my knees, we began chasing Benjamin around. It was really special witnessing the two boys in a real, interactive play session for the first time. Benjamin started saying, "Chase, Evan. Chase me, Evan." I'll never forget that moment in time. - Daddy
