Evan got to sit in the high chair for the first time this week. He is such a big boy now! When I was pregnant with him I just knew that he would be a child who loves his food and it does seem that I was right. Evan has really taken to eating like a duck to water. So far he has tried sweet potato, bananas, and apples and likes them all. Evan does not like it when the eating ends. When he nurses, drinks a bottle, or eats solids, he will cry when I stop feeding him even if he has had an ample amount. That's my boy!
The life and times of Benjamin, Evan, and Sawyer Vaughn, and their mommy's journey as a stay-at-home mom with three boys.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
In The High Chair
Evan got to sit in the high chair for the first time this week. He is such a big boy now! When I was pregnant with him I just knew that he would be a child who loves his food and it does seem that I was right. Evan has really taken to eating like a duck to water. So far he has tried sweet potato, bananas, and apples and likes them all. Evan does not like it when the eating ends. When he nurses, drinks a bottle, or eats solids, he will cry when I stop feeding him even if he has had an ample amount. That's my boy!
Sprinkler Fun
We've been enjoying just hanging out in the side yard in the evenings. As one might predict, Benjamin just loves to play in the water from the hose. The other evening daddy let him run around in the grass and get soaked! He had such a great time and did not want to stop. The only problem was his diaper, which does seem to have a limit when soaked with liquid. I just love those summer evenings!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Trying Times, but With a Dollop of Cuteness
We've all heard of the "terrible two's" but Lance and I did not think they would happen to us......until the last couple of months! Don't get me wrong, Benjamin is the sweetest, dearest, most perfect little boy in the world, but he has really worn me down over the past week. I often have to chase him around the living room just to change his diaper and he does not want to go anywhere. Of course, when he gets to where we are going he usually does not want to leave ;) Its as if he is trying on a different personality again, one in which he disagrees with everything. Now, just imagine if an adult acted like that- nobody would want to be around them! Lucky for Benjamin, he is so cute that you just take it and stick with it as best you can. So the whining and the constant "no's" and flip flops (I want this, no that, no this!), are definitely the least appealing aspects of Benjamin's current developmental phase. The other prominent aspect of this phase that is not infuriating, but can be challenging, is his tendency to ask frequent and repeated questions, especially while riding in the car. Let me tell you, I am getting creative at coming up with answers for these that minimize his chance of asking a follow up question! Changing the subject is also a good strategy.
Because I love him so much, I can't help but end this post with a flurry of positive comments about my little boy. Did I mention that he was extremely and utterly adorable?? We just got his hair cut and a little bit sticks up in the back so it almost reminds me of a little Indian feather. Of course, Benjamin is also extremely sweet when he wants to be. He has been hugging Evan and comforting him when he cries. He pats his little head and says, "Yes, Evan, its okay, yes". Then Benjamin just slays you with all of the amazing things that he is able to say. How many 2 year old's can say "metamorphosis" and "binoculars". He is also a fan of the natural world and enjoys looking for caterpillars, butterflies, and the moon.
In fact, its the trying times like these that make you realize just how much you love them. Despite wanting to throttle them, (only in the imagination!) the next minute you just want to kiss their little cheeks and hold them tight. These are the times you understand just what parenthood really means.
Because I love him so much, I can't help but end this post with a flurry of positive comments about my little boy. Did I mention that he was extremely and utterly adorable?? We just got his hair cut and a little bit sticks up in the back so it almost reminds me of a little Indian feather. Of course, Benjamin is also extremely sweet when he wants to be. He has been hugging Evan and comforting him when he cries. He pats his little head and says, "Yes, Evan, its okay, yes". Then Benjamin just slays you with all of the amazing things that he is able to say. How many 2 year old's can say "metamorphosis" and "binoculars". He is also a fan of the natural world and enjoys looking for caterpillars, butterflies, and the moon.
In fact, its the trying times like these that make you realize just how much you love them. Despite wanting to throttle them, (only in the imagination!) the next minute you just want to kiss their little cheeks and hold them tight. These are the times you understand just what parenthood really means.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Two Boys Upstairs
I now have 2 little boys upstairs sleeping. We finally moved Evan upstairs and out of our bathroom yesterday. It felt so strange to have the monitor in our bedroom while we slept but it also felt good. Our bathroom seems so big now and I never realized how exciting it could be to step into our shower again. Evan seems to be adjusting very well and both boys have been sleeping for 1.5 hours!
We had a nice anniversary dinner last night. It was odd though, because it was the first non-fabulous meal that we have ever had at Uchi. We sat by a group of gnats and managed to get half of our meal comped just for mentioning this to the waiter. We had some salmon sashimi and a spicy tuna roll and then rented a movie on the way home. But the great thing about the evening was our conversation and the plans that we made. We are so blessed that God is working in our marriage.
So I showered, ate lunch, did laundry, and watched an episode of Lost. I don't think life gets much better than this. Oh wait, it does! I am looking forward to a great weekend at the Donaldson family reunion. We are going to Amma and Papa's house to see everyone this evening!
We had a nice anniversary dinner last night. It was odd though, because it was the first non-fabulous meal that we have ever had at Uchi. We sat by a group of gnats and managed to get half of our meal comped just for mentioning this to the waiter. We had some salmon sashimi and a spicy tuna roll and then rented a movie on the way home. But the great thing about the evening was our conversation and the plans that we made. We are so blessed that God is working in our marriage.
So I showered, ate lunch, did laundry, and watched an episode of Lost. I don't think life gets much better than this. Oh wait, it does! I am looking forward to a great weekend at the Donaldson family reunion. We are going to Amma and Papa's house to see everyone this evening!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sweet Benjamin

For the most part, Benjamin was an angel today. Although cranky after waking from his nap, he seemed to feel bad for being cross with mommy and tried to make up for it. He came into our room while I was resting and asked if I needed a hug. He then offered to get a bottle of formula for Evan "as soon as he wakes up". After returning with a bottle (that daddy helped him prepare) he asked if I needed a drink and took my empty water bottle to fill. It really was what I needed to feel better on a down day! Thank you Benjamin!
The Amazing Changing Baby
In the past few days Evan has gone through so many changes. I can't believe how many things have happened all at the same time. As I posted previously, he has rolled over and is sitting up. He is also laughing out loud, squealing, sleeping without being swaddled, and staying awake for longer periods between naps. He truly seems like a different baby! Evan has also learned to express himself in ways besides crying. When he likes something he laughs or squeals. When he doesn't like something he whines or protests vocally. What an exciting time in his life and in our family!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Rolling Over and Sitting Up
After weeks of intense practice, Evan learned to roll over for the first time! We were all very excited about his new accomplishment. To add to the excitement, he's also starting to sit unsupported for periods of time! If that wasn't already too much fun, he was laughing out loud with me the other night. Oh how fun! I just love this stage!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Happy Birthday to Mommy
Yesterday was a wonderful 36th birthday. Lance had jury duty at noon, so he stayed home in the morning and helped with the drip system. I sat outside nursing Evan and watching Benjamin water the plants (and himself) with the hose! We all had lunch, which included a homemade salsa and a fresh jalapeno from my garden. Yum!
In the afternoon, Benjamin and I headed to his first swimming lesson at the local YMCA. After first feeling like fish out of water, not knowing where to go and even if we had the right day for the class, we had a great time. Benjamin loved getting in the pool and did not want to leave. We practiced a drill over and over again. Benjamin would swim (with my help) to the side of the pool, climb out, throw his rubber froggie, jump off the edge (again with my help) and swim to get his froggie. I was so proud of him taking on something knew with such enthusiasm. I have a feeling he will be a great swimmer and I can't wait for the next lesson.
My birthday evening was nothing short of AWESOME! I met our friend Sankalp for a drink at his favorite bar, The Good Knight. It had such a neat atmosphere which seemed totally out of place in a seedy looking area of East Austin. It was dark with candles and old-fashioned photographs. The menu included upscale bar food and inventive takes on classic drinks. I tried the Strawberry Caiparinha with rosemary sage syrup. I enjoyed savoring this lovely beverage while Sankalp and I talked about the new trend toward using sustainable and local ingredients in cooking. We did miss Lance, who had to cancel at the last minute due to jury duty :(
After the Good Knight we headed to Jezebel's for dinner, where we met my parents and Lance. There was only one other couple at the restaurant early on a Monday evening and we just happened to know them: Mike and Jen! It was their 7th anniversary. Sankalp knows the chef at Jezebel and he came out to greet us. After a short interview about our culinary preferences, the chef prepared a 4 course menu full of wonderful surprises and incredible wine pairings. I can't remember all of the components of the dishes but I do recall that the main course featured seared wild boar (resembling a cross between ahi tuna and beef) served over osso bucco beef cheeks, avocado, a classic sauce with lobster and lamb stock and white truffle oil! Seriously, I have never had anything that wild in my life. I told the chef that he is the Salvador Dali of the culinary world. The man is truly talented! It was a great night with wonderful food, fabulous wine, and the enjoyment of loved ones. I don't really have to go into how I felt at 2:30 in the morning, do I?
Here's to a fabulous year at 36!
In the afternoon, Benjamin and I headed to his first swimming lesson at the local YMCA. After first feeling like fish out of water, not knowing where to go and even if we had the right day for the class, we had a great time. Benjamin loved getting in the pool and did not want to leave. We practiced a drill over and over again. Benjamin would swim (with my help) to the side of the pool, climb out, throw his rubber froggie, jump off the edge (again with my help) and swim to get his froggie. I was so proud of him taking on something knew with such enthusiasm. I have a feeling he will be a great swimmer and I can't wait for the next lesson.
My birthday evening was nothing short of AWESOME! I met our friend Sankalp for a drink at his favorite bar, The Good Knight. It had such a neat atmosphere which seemed totally out of place in a seedy looking area of East Austin. It was dark with candles and old-fashioned photographs. The menu included upscale bar food and inventive takes on classic drinks. I tried the Strawberry Caiparinha with rosemary sage syrup. I enjoyed savoring this lovely beverage while Sankalp and I talked about the new trend toward using sustainable and local ingredients in cooking. We did miss Lance, who had to cancel at the last minute due to jury duty :(
After the Good Knight we headed to Jezebel's for dinner, where we met my parents and Lance. There was only one other couple at the restaurant early on a Monday evening and we just happened to know them: Mike and Jen! It was their 7th anniversary. Sankalp knows the chef at Jezebel and he came out to greet us. After a short interview about our culinary preferences, the chef prepared a 4 course menu full of wonderful surprises and incredible wine pairings. I can't remember all of the components of the dishes but I do recall that the main course featured seared wild boar (resembling a cross between ahi tuna and beef) served over osso bucco beef cheeks, avocado, a classic sauce with lobster and lamb stock and white truffle oil! Seriously, I have never had anything that wild in my life. I told the chef that he is the Salvador Dali of the culinary world. The man is truly talented! It was a great night with wonderful food, fabulous wine, and the enjoyment of loved ones. I don't really have to go into how I felt at 2:30 in the morning, do I?
Here's to a fabulous year at 36!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
5 Months Old!
Evan turns 5 months today! Its hard to believe he is almost 1/2 a year old! The time has gone by so quickly. Overall, he is a pretty easy going baby and is generally a happy guy. His smiles have been so great lately, and he is a bit of a flirt. Its great that Benjamin has been so much more interested in his brother lately. He often asks to go with me to get Evan when he wakes up. Benjamin typically says, "hi Evan, how are you? Did you have a good nap?" Its so funny when he says, "its nice to meet you Evan". Evan also enjoys his brother. He reaches out to him with a wide open mouth, wanting to explore him like everything else these days. Evan is close to sitting up and rolling over, and he is very good with his hands. He has been great going to sleep by himself when we put him down awake. I can't wait to see what happens over the next few weeks with all of the big milestones coming up around the corner!
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