Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trying Times, but With a Dollop of Cuteness

We've all heard of the "terrible two's" but Lance and I did not think they would happen to us......until the last couple of months! Don't get me wrong, Benjamin is the sweetest, dearest, most perfect little boy in the world, but he has really worn me down over the past week. I often have to chase him around the living room just to change his diaper and he does not want to go anywhere. Of course, when he gets to where we are going he usually does not want to leave ;) Its as if he is trying on a different personality again, one in which he disagrees with everything. Now, just imagine if an adult acted like that- nobody would want to be around them! Lucky for Benjamin, he is so cute that you just take it and stick with it as best you can. So the whining and the constant "no's" and flip flops (I want this, no that, no this!), are definitely the least appealing aspects of Benjamin's current developmental phase. The other prominent aspect of this phase that is not infuriating, but can be challenging, is his tendency to ask frequent and repeated questions, especially while riding in the car. Let me tell you, I am getting creative at coming up with answers for these that minimize his chance of asking a follow up question! Changing the subject is also a good strategy.

Because I love him so much, I can't help but end this post with a flurry of positive comments about my little boy. Did I mention that he was extremely and utterly adorable?? We just got his hair cut and a little bit sticks up in the back so it almost reminds me of a little Indian feather. Of course, Benjamin is also extremely sweet when he wants to be. He has been hugging Evan and comforting him when he cries. He pats his little head and says, "Yes, Evan, its okay, yes". Then Benjamin just slays you with all of the amazing things that he is able to say. How many 2 year old's can say "metamorphosis" and "binoculars". He is also a fan of the natural world and enjoys looking for caterpillars, butterflies, and the moon.

In fact, its the trying times like these that make you realize just how much you love them. Despite wanting to throttle them, (only in the imagination!) the next minute you just want to kiss their little cheeks and hold them tight. These are the times you understand just what parenthood really means.

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