es, Evan really is 9 months old today. He is showing us his personality more and more every day. Now that he is more expressive and mobile, he seems to be really loving life. That makes a mama very happy. Mind you, it is not all pure enjoyment, as sometimes he can be quite a handful. Lately, it is hard to feed Evan because he keeps grabbing for the spoon and it becomes a game to get it into his mouth. I've taken to getting out two spoons, one for me to feed him with and one for him to play with. He is also in the "Drop 'Em" phase, where he thinks it is fun to drop everything at the dinner table, including his spoon, my spoon, all types of food times (puffs and Cheerio's mainly), and his teething biscuit. The last two times in the bath, Evan has not wanted to sit. Instead, he crawls in the shallow water as if he is swimming. It does not bother him to get his face wet and he usually ends up with a bubble moustache. Of course, there is the usual difficulty of the baby wanting to pull up on all things that are, or are not, stable. He must be watched at all times.
Evan wants to be part of the action. No matter what Benjamin is doing now, he always wants to be a part of it. This has started to be frustrating for Benjamin, as Benjamin is not used to having to share. Just tonight Evan was joining Benjamin in all activities. He wanted to see Benjamin's drawings at the art table, he enjoyed playing with the trains, and he was right there for the nightly book reading. You never would have known that Evan had a stomach bug today. He woke up sick for his 9-month birthday, but ended up having one of the best days of his life. God bless you Evan!
Evan has upped the ante. Great shots.
Wow! Can't believe he's changed just since the 27th of Sept! He is so precious! And yes, you will cherish this time at home later-enjoy it while you can! And STOP COMPLAINING!