Friday, November 2, 2012

Benjamin Turns Five!

The day has come, Benjamin is finally five!  In his own words Benjamin describes the occasion perfectly; "Mommy, I can't believe I'm five!".  We can't believe it either.  Our little baby, our first little boy, is well on his way to middle childhood.  He seemed overwhelmed by the occasion.  Not just because of all of the gifts, but because he recognized that this was a significant milestone.  Five is such a round, solid number.  As usual, we celebrated three times.  Once with each pair of grandparents, and once with Benjamin's friends.  Some of the gifts that Benjamin was given include a training computer, a pirate ship, a marble run, a helicopter, and many, many games.  

I spent many hours working on his birthday cake.  I think he appreciated it, but he later told me that it was too sweet!  I couldn't believe that those words came out of his mouth, the candy king! I did enjoy making the cake.  It was a challenging project and allowed me to get some creative juices flowing.  Lance will tell me next year that I was too stressed, and I should just buy a cake, and I'm sure I will again tell him that I must make my own.

I'm proud of my biggest boy.  He is so sensitive, sweet, and loving.  He is also smart, curious, funny, and gorgeous!  He loves his little brothers and I know he will be a great leader both at home and wherever he goes.

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