Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Preschool Graduate

Benjamin has officially "graduated" from preschool!  Brandi, the director of the boys' school, told me that they would be having a cute little ceremony for the three boys who would be leaving in the Fall.  I had no idea just how cute and special it would be.  I also had no idea how bittersweet it would be for Benjamin, Brandi, and for me.  Benjamin has been attending this school for more than four years, since he was 15 months old.  This has been his second family. They have taken care of and nurtured Benjamin in a way that I am so thankful for.  I am relieved to know that I don't have to say goodbye yet, as Evan and Sawyer will have plenty of time there in the coming years.

We went to the ceremony straight after the last football lesson, with both sets of grandparents in tow.  We crammed into the tiny classroom, which was filled with big adult chairs.  Then Benjamin and the other graduates proudly marched down the aisle in their adorable caps and gowns.  They sang songs with accompanying dance moves, which seemed even more adorable because they were all boys.  Benjamin had a look on his face that I had never seen.  I think he was somewhat shell shocked, being up in front of all of those adults and performing.  Despite the fear I know he had, he was so brave in following the script that Brandi had taught them.  SO PROUD!!!!

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