It was nice to get away from the heat and experience some dry, much cooler New Mexico mountain air. The views from their house are just amazing and so peaceful. Despite being sick for the first few days, I was determined to go running in their neighborhood every morning. Running at a higher altitude took a bit of adjusting to, as did the hills, most of which I had to walk up. There was one street in particular that had a very slow grade. It was a joy to run down but a struggle to come back up. Every morning I saw approximately two scrub jays, a jackrabbit, a cottontail, and several crows. However, one morning I was excited to see a coyote by the side of the road. It was so nice being out there in the quiet cool air. All I could hear was my breath and the occasional cawing of crows or yapping of coyotes.
The boys enjoyed the change of pace as well. They spent plenty of time running around the huge house, swimming in the hot tub, and going on nature walks with Amma. Benjamin was interested in learning about the different types of birds and other wildlife in New Mexico. We also enjoyed a trip to the aquarium and the zoo, both of which are missing in Austin (unless you count the very small zoo in Austin).
One of the highlights of the trip was that Sawyer started walking. He had just taken a step and a half in Austin going between me and Lance. At my parents' house he really started taking several steps at a time and took as many as twelve. It was fun for everyone to watch his excitement.
Another highlight was the short trip within a trip that Lance and I took to Santa Fe. We were blessed to have my parents watch the three boys overnight despite their both being somewhat ill from the cold that I gave them. It was a lovely hour drive from their house to Santa Fe, which included a stop for coffee in the hipster town of Madrid. Heck, it was just nice being in the car without a fussy baby for once ;) We spent the night at the Inn at Loretto and had a fabulous meal at their restaurant, Luminaria. It was over before it began but was truly a nice break.
The trip home was not a highlight but it was better than I anticipated. The two I-pads and one I-phone came in handy with the three boys. We did have some fussing and complaining but it was all quite manageable. When we got home I was surprised to find myself to happy to be here. Traveling is enjoyable but it sure is exhausting!
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