Sunday, June 17, 2012

Less Than 2 Days

Wow!  This is such an exciting time for our family.  We have less than two days before baby Sawyer joins our family.  I am nervous about surgery, recovery, and sleeplessness, but I am also so excited to meet him and start the next phase of our lives.  This weekend was full of events including our anniversary and Father's Day.  Now we have the birth of a baby to look forward to; he will be a wonderful anniversary gift for me and Lance and Father's Day gift for Lance and the grandfathers.  

The boys are starting to get more excited, but Benjamin has let us know in his own special way that he is anxious about the upcoming changes.  We underestimated how this would impact him, but we are working to address his fears as much as possible.  After all, he knows that this will be a permanent change.  Evan is not really aware of what is about to happen, which makes it easier in some ways.  I just pray that we can give them all what they need so that they don't have to feel afraid or anxious.  However, I also know that this is a normal part of adjustment to change, even when  the change is good.  

As is so often the case, we had a very appropriate and timely sermon today at church.  I didn't know if we would make it today since I haven't been sleeping well and generally do not feel great while out and about.  However, God wanted me there today and Lance was so helpful with the boys that we all made it happen.  Today we talked about the question, "Do I have what it takes?".  The pastor, TA, explained that the answer to this question is generally, "No, you don't".  He used the story of David and Goliath to illustrate how we should not rely on what we have to get through a tough situation, but on Who has us in the situation.  I think this is so relevant given my fears of the surgery and the eminent and seemingly "Goliath" task of parenting three young children.  No, we certainly do not have what it takes to get through many experiences that we will soon face, but we can rest easy and peacefully knowing that the One who has us ALWAYS has what it takes.  Thanks be to God!

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