The littlest Vaughn is now three weeks old. Time has gone by quickly and yet slowly, which might have something to do with the broken up sleep and infrequent trips outside of the house. Its hard to imagine that it has already been three weeks since I was pregnant. I miss it, well, sort of.... Sawyer sure seems to be growing, and he passed his weight check on Monday. His sleep has gotten a little better, as he is putting together 3-4 hour stretches at night. I'm doing much better with sleep deprivation than I did with my first baby, but the negative effects are certainly noticeable. I find myself frequently staring off into space and I am beginning to get a bit crabby at times.
Sawyer is a sweet baby. I don't really know that many newborn babies aren't sweet, so maybe that's not so much a description of his personality but of the phase that he is in. Anyway, he has not given me much attitude, which is more than I can say for his two older brothers! Spending time alone here with him while the boys are at school is definitely quiet and peaceful, if not somewhat lonely. It does give me time to reflect, organize my thoughts, and to write this lovely blog. I know this phase is very temporary and I should enjoy it for what it is. As I have learned, it will be over before I know it!
It really is true that Sawyer looks just like a combination of his brothers, as can clearly be seen in the picture below. I can't imagine how cute he will be as he grows older. After all, what could possibly be cuter than a mixture of Benjamin and Evan?!
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