Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Goodbye Newborn, Hello Baby

I am officially declaring Sawyer out of the newborn phase.  Like so many other things about babies and pregnancy, I am sad about it but also relieved.  Who wants to say goodbye to the newborn?  He is such a tiny and precious thing, free from any outside influence.  He will never be this way again, and you can never go back.  You just have to rely on your memory and on pictures and video to relive some of this precious time.  That is sad to me.
On the other hand, Sawyer sleeps longer and fusses less.  Who would not be happy with this set of changes?  He looks around, looks at you, smiles, and can "hang" with the family for more than a few seconds without crying.  Actually, he can now enjoy himself for around twenty minutes at a time!

So, as I go through his clothes and pull out all of the newborn sizes, I am sad for a brief moment.  As I replace them with the three month outfits, I feel some excitement and eager anticipation of the baby he is to become.  Now with my third child, this is a familiar feeling.  I know this is only the beginning of transitions that will bring both sadness and joy for years to come.

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