Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hard Times and Two Months

I have been late writing a post for Sawyer's two month mark mainly because times have been a little hard lately.  Lance came down with a cold over a week ago and he still is not one hudred percent.  Benjamin and Sawyer both got the cold too.  Benjamin really didn't have much trouble, just runny nose and coughing.  On the other hand, Sawyer had a fever and stuffy nose and it threw off his already not-so-great sleep habits.  With less sleep and a little less help around the house on the weekend, I have been more stressed.  I keep praying for strength though, and I think it may be working.

Sawyer had his two month appointment yesterday.  He came in weighing eleven pounds, five ounces and 22 and one half inches long.  Because he still had a cold, Sawyer was lucky to be spared the trauma of his two month shots.  I was so relieved that we chose to reschedule the shots for another day.  When I talked to the doctor about sleep, she reminded me that his nighttime sleeping habits are really pretty normal for his age.  The problem is really my expectations for his sleep.  After all, when Evan was a baby, he slept for six straight hours by six weeks and was sleeping 8 hours by Sawyer's age.  Evan's long sleep stretches were actually more abnormal than Sawyer's shorter stretches!  Thus, I have decided to change my attitude about his sleeping.  He is doing fine for his age, and I will work on patience.  

Here is a picture of my sweet boy at his appointment.  Look at those gorgeous eyes!

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