Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fourth of July 2013

It was a whirlwind trying to get ready for the Fourth just after we got back from the beach!  We also had guests from out-of-town.  Lance's aunt Pam and uncle Jim came down from Illinois to visit with Mamaw before heading to the south Texas coast.  Last year Lance, granmom and grandad, and the older boys went to a small parade in the Westlake neighborhood while Sawyer (just a few weeks old!) and I stayed home.  They had a good time then and vowed to return this year, but as part of the parade.  I got the boys matching shirts and we loaded them onto their F150.  We barely made it on time for the boys to catch up at the end of the line, but it worked out fine.  They had a great time!

Unfortunately Megan and Mamaw did not make it to the parade because they got lost on the way.  In order to make it up to them we decided to go around our block for our own little parade.  It was very cute!  The few neighbors who saw us probably thought we were crazy.  We will plan to organize a neighborhood parade in Sunset Valley next year so others can join in on the fun.

Later that day we went to Amma and Papa's for swimming, burgers, fireworks on the big screen, and sparklers.  As usual everyone loved the pool time and the all-American burgers were a hit.  It was nice seeing the fireworks on the big screen with the great symphony music.  The boys were less apprehensive about the sparklers this year.  All in all it was a great holiday!  

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