Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Port Aransas 2013

We had a great time in Port Aransas this year, and it was nice staying a couple more days than we usually do.  We spent the first few days with Amma and Papa, and then Granmom, Grandad and Megan joined us for the last two.  It was unusually hectic getting away for the trip since Sawyer was sick the morning that we were supposed to leave!  I took him to the doctor that morning and he had an ear infection.  I was able to get a prescription filled and finish packing in time for us to leave with Sawyer just shortly after Amma and Papa left with Benjamin and Evan.  Phew!!

Sawyer had his first taste of Lockhart BBQ when we stopped at Black's.  I'm surprised how well Sawyer did considering his ear infection and two teeth coming in.  Boy does he seem to love Brisket!  That's my Texan!

The house was great for several reasons, but my favorite was that you could view the ocean from the front and the fishing pond from the back.  That was great because it provided entertainment without leaving the house!  Benjamin spent lots of time just hanging out on the back porches (6 total porches) watching the birds and the turtles.  He would run in and consult his bird book every half hour or so!  I think he was in heaven.

Here is B looking at a "Little Blue" heron that you can barely see on the wood outcropping.

It was cool that the boys could go fishing in their pajamas in the morning.  Papa helped them out but I'm afraid they did not catch anything.  However they almost caught about 15 turtles...

Below Benjamin is pondering.....

Evan, silly as usual...

One of my favorite pics of Evan from the trip...sign him up for modeling!

This one isn't bad either...

We enjoyed a routine of getting up early, watching Wimbledon, going to the pool, taking a nap, then going to the beach in the afternoon.  It was Sawyer's first time to really experience the beach since he was only 3 months when we first came with him.  He did not take to it at first, but he warmed up slowly.

Benjamin seemed to really love the beach this time around, especially digging in the sand and looking for tiny creatures.  Evan was not very interested in the water, and played mostly in the sand with his trucks and shovels.  

We always came back to take a bath before dinner, which seemed to be Evan's favorite part of the day.  The other boys liked it too.

It was difficult to keep Sawyer from the stairs in a 3 story house with no usable baby gates.  When Sawyer did manage to escape, he really enjoyed them.

The birding center was the best part for me, and for Benjamin.  I was so excited to share this with him since he has become so enthused with birds.  We went there once in the evening and twice EARLY in the morning.  The birds that we saw included:  several kinds of Herons, Comorants, Ruddy Ducks, Black Bellied Whistling Ducks, Magnificent Frigate Birds, Egrets, and Roseated Spoonbills.  It was awesome!

I did manage to get the boys on the beach in their cute matching shirts, but it was challenging to get any good pictures of all of us on the beach.  Out of about 500 pics, I might have gotten a handful of good ones.

This is the best family pic that we got!  What does that say about us??!!

The trip was fantastic even though I was exhausted by the end of it.  I feel sure there is a day around the corner when our family trip to the beach can be more restful.  Despite the stress, I am really excited about establishing a similar tradition for my boys as I experienced growing up.  This place is so dear to my heart and it is really special sharing it with my children.  What a blessing that God has given me this family and these times to spend sharing His provision with them!

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