Thursday, January 28, 2010

Evan's Bath and Other Assorted Things

We gave Evan a bath on Sunday night. He hated it at first and then he seemed to consider that it might feel kinda good. Then he decided to hate it again! That's about how things went with Benjamin's first bath. He looked and smelled so beautiful!

This is the 4th week of our new life with Evan. It is going pretty well so far, with the expected up's and down's, twists and turns. The biggest struggle is trying to figure out how to put/keep Evan asleep for his naps. It is an all too familiar enigma and one I
hope to handle with much more grace this time around!

Benjamin has struggled a bit this week. I think he is having a delayed reaction to having a new baby brother. He is much more defiant than usual. I'm guessing it is more like the average 2 year-old, as Benjamin is usually very well behaved. I've tried to mix in some hugs and words of reassurance in with the discipline and Time Outs. I think we are doing the best we can. Benjamin more than makes up for his difficult moments with all of the laughter and joy that he brings us. He continues to say the most amazing things and is speaking in complete sentences now. Recent new words/phrases include, "awesome", "Evan", "under the water", and "Cheers, be happy". He loves for us to chase him around the train table upstairs. He particularly enjoys it when he runs with the football and "fumbles".

Finally, Benjamin got his first pair of suspenders this week. He is so thin that his pants are falling down, and Amma thought these might do the trick. He was a bit suspicious of them at first, but we were able to convince him that it was cool. Benjamin has enjoyed hanging out with Papa these last few weeks, and today they were playing games on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. He's just a little bit too cute don't you think? He said "little" today and "oh my goodness".
    From: Papa
